Lifting weights, getting unstuck and focusing on your strengths.

Happy Monday! Here are 3 things just for you this week. 1: Resistance training is not only great for the body, it’s great for the mind. It can increase your mental strength, your self confidence and your mood. Lift weights.  2: If you’re feeling stuck, don’t underestimate the power of simply taking one step forward.Continue reading “Lifting weights, getting unstuck and focusing on your strengths.”

The power of enjoyment, your childhood and action.

Happy 3 things time! Here are 3 things to improve your fitness, level up your mindset and boost your success – the easiest way possible!  1: You’re much more likely to follow an exercise routine if you enjoy it. If you’re struggling to stick to a routine, ask yourself, how can I make this moreContinue reading “The power of enjoyment, your childhood and action.”

Limiting beliefs

Beliefs come in lots of different forms, however, limiting beliefs can be described as a belief or state of mind that restricts you in some way or another. Examples of this can be: Someone that believes they can’t ever lose weight and so as a result they self sabotage and struggle to drop any kg’s. Continue reading “Limiting beliefs”

Personal Boundaries.

Boundaries. They’re a funny thing aren’t they? ​The word itself has a negative connotation to it, however, I’ve found in life they can be such a positive force towards overall happiness and success. ​Boundaries keep us in line with our values. Boundaries ensure we don’t surround ourselves with the wrong people. Boundaries keep us working towards ourContinue reading “Personal Boundaries.”

Monday Mantra

Maybe today is not  One of your favourites, but Never forget that every Day you wake up is An amazing gift and it’s up to You to make it count. So many of us look at Monday’s with dread. It’s the first day of working week which regardless of if you’re working or not –Continue reading “Monday Mantra”

Decision making.

Have you ever found yourself unable to make a decision? Decision making can be so difficult. Even the little things can be hard to make a decision on. What you’ll have for dinner, what you’ll do with your Saturday, which movie you’ll pick on Netflix or what outfit you’ll choose for the day. Quite often,Continue reading “Decision making.”

The foundation to every successful outcome.

I’ve spent the most part of a decade helping women strive for their goals and do you know what I’ve found is a key component to ensuring that strive is successful? Self belief. To me, self belief is the main marker that will determine one’s success and without it, success is virtually impossible. Believing youContinue reading “The foundation to every successful outcome.”

Being present.

When was the last time you were truly present? When you weren’t reminiscing on the past nor looking ahead to the future? It’s incredible how rarely we give ourselves the opportunity to just be. Right here, right now, be. We wake up in the morning running through the tasks ahead of us in the day.Continue reading “Being present.”

The beginning of 2022

For the entire globe it’s the beginning of a New Year but here in Australia it’s also the beginning of our first exposure to mass Covid cases. We have had the privilege in Australia of being able to go on with relatively normal life for the last 2 years as the rest of the worldContinue reading “The beginning of 2022”

You don’t know what you’ve got til’ it’s gone.

It really is true that you don’t know what you’ve got til’ it’s gone right? Freedom day. A day where most of your normal life returns to you. Nothing out of the ordinary but your local cafe, your gym, your shopping centre, your cinema, your bar, your routine. And though prior to these things beingContinue reading “You don’t know what you’ve got til’ it’s gone.”